Thursday, August 7, 2008


I have this theory that if girls cut their hair; whether it's a looooooong or shrt, it can only mean that they are moving up a notch to a different stage of their life. They probably are ready to leave something behind; bad memories; events in their lives that they want to forget immediately - like a bad break up or prob a bad day at the office or a bad hair day? - and look forward to a much better future in their perspective. So simply a trip to the hair salon is like a therapy session. It's no wonder more than often their hairdresser knows more about them than anyone else. A new hair cut can therefore mean a bad omen to everyone else. Haha! Simply said, girls can chronicle their lives based on the period between new hair cuts.

Girls! Sorry! Don't kill me for just voicing out an opinion! I wish I can provide more evidences though...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol, that was an interesting theory. I guess it's true to a certain extend... Whenever i go for haircuts, it's because i need a change and I'm bored of my old reflection in the mirror. Sometimes it's because my life has been so predictable and mundane as well....