Friday, November 13, 2009

if the shoes fit...

I found a shoe.
Like a Cinderella Fairy Tale,
I know it could only belong to one.
The French Light.
But I noticed she had hers.

I was curious.
I didn't want to just keep it.

I have found many in the past.
And it was such an ache keeping them.
So I learned to not be a pack rat.
But share what I got...

Her pairs were nice,
and as I recalled,
has been with her long.

I had to let her know,
about this pair,
even risking...
risking it all...

It's better than pretending...
It's better than regretting...

And so,
I listened to my heart.

It took me awhile...
But I finally decided to ask,
if she was missing one.

My H-e-l-l-o was a stammer,
I made it to ask her about it...
She wasn't...

Such a fool I am...

P.S - Thanks for being so cool about it... :)
I <3 U