Sometimes in life...we don't always get what we want. Maybe we are just greedy? As the Malay saying goes... beri betis, nak paha (given a piece of calf, but want a piece of thigh - of a chicken). Probably we aren't appreciative enough of what we have already have? We dunno what we got till it's gone... But somehow we cant stop having this feeling. It's what makes us human. It's the driving force which makes us go forth to improve ourselves.
From a distance, we can only stop and stare...dreaming out loud of having it. The feeling is great, keeps tab at the fact that we have a goal. But sucks if someone got it first when you were the first one thinking of having it. Jealous-ness!!!
Worse still if we had it in the first place...It was all ours. Yet we let it go. But hurting yourself our hurling insults at the other isn't going to help. Just got to express how you truly feel.
But then again...think about it, slowly but surely, once we got it, we will stumble (or succeed depends on who you are) yet again. We have to search for another goal! soon?? Maybe that was a little pessimistic. Or maybe this is all just me.
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