Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I dream...

Lately, I haven't been so interested in reading about the news anymore. Everything is so negative. From the headlines, it sets the same tone for the rest of the paper. Sometimes I also find that we can't trust the reports anymore. They aren't written to inform the rest of us about the happenings, but rather to tap into our deepest morbid emotions and to get sympathy from most of us. I don't understand the point of reading them anymore.

I dream of reading a newspaper which tells stories about the goodness of human beings, tales about the superlatives of human nature, words that make us the higher species. I want to be able to read about a homeless kid studying his/her way to the top; I want to read about a regular John Doe jumping into a freezing lake to save his pet dog; I want to read about miracles we overlooked each day; I want to read stories that define us as God's children. That's what I want. That's what we should all have.

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