Friday, May 22, 2009

crying foul

Why didn't Adam Lambert win??? Wtf!! Mood killer man! He was the only bright spark (ok dark.. whatever) of this season's American Idol. He was the reason why I watched this season. It has been a joke from the start to include a fourth judge + the rest of things to 'freshen' things up. I think nothing has been done to catch my attention. This includes the 'save' thing which I thought was soooo lame...

And don't let me get it started about the finale. Ok it was fabulous to see so many stars... (Carrie was so pretty) but I think it looked a bit too much on the grandeur side. Perhaps it was good, but looked a bit tad too tacky and commercialised.

But I digress...

What I had problem with was with the judges particularly Kara. Ok la... bikini girl was awarded some shit award... yeah she's back...with bigger boobs + some tan ...but does she, as a panel, have to come up on stage to sing with her (both had a row earlier in the auditions), dressed differently; like in bikinis as well??!! Well done to degrade the judges' already tarnished reputation this season.

Family show, can?

And this year's finale song, co-written by Kara, what the hell was it all about. The lyrics were horrible. I also could have sworn Simon scoffed the whole thing. I thought it was already a great idea in the past to let people of the public to write the song for the competition. I felt sorry that Kris had to sing "No Boundaries" in the end after the results again. He looked like he dreaded to. But perhaps it was for another reason. Right until the end, he still felt he wasn't good enough to win. Or he probably realised that he will be in the way of American's dream after already shocked us in the previous round by outlasting Danny.

Speaking of which, I am quite disappointed that Danny's fans jumped on the Kris bandwagon instead. I don't want to mention their common background la... but both are real gentleman, very nice guys. I have no idea what they see in Adam. Perhaps he's way too unorthodox, weird, flamboyant... but his talent is undeniable. The winner should go to one with the best voice, and charisma! Heck! Plus, you may never imagine it but a rocker like him can be such a nice guy. He was very sporting; didn't show any frustration; instead he was so happy for Kris when Ryan announced the results. Who says humility only belongs to Kris??

At the end, Ryan had to make sure Kris doesn't give his two cents worth of thoughts. The later repeatedly say, "But Adam..." Even Simon didn't look as impress as he would have suggested moments earlier. He was prepared to just sit, while the other three stood to give a standing ovation. I am beginning to think, particularly this season, that America have decided that they are the 'better' judges and whatever Simon says, they don't have to do no more. Then, I would imagine, Simon will then be prepared to quit the game, if he is no more the main player. Also this time, Ryan did not announce the difference in votes or the percentage split between the two. What I perceived the results to be is either a very huge or very small difference. Both are somewhat too controversial - if released. Anyway, up is where Adam will go from here... Watch him rise!

Adam Lambert and Kris Allen

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